MMR Billet Driver side DOHC Secondary Tensioner (96-2014 DOHC) 4.6 & 5.4/5.8
The factory tensioner leaks oil internally, these internal oil losses create inconsistent chain tensioning at higher RPM which cam lead to inconsistent cam timing and even secondary chain failure. The MMR Extreme High Quality Billet Tensioner seals to the cylinder head with a replaceable o ring for a perfect seal and no internal leaks. This product can help prevent seized cam journals by making sure oil pressure remains in the head and not wasted through leaks between the head and tensioner!
ARP hardware included.
Proudly Made in Camarillo, CA USA
Unlike other brands on the market, the MMR tensioner features a lifetime warranty and is 100% rebuildable and has been tested on the Worlds Fastest and ONLY 5 second 5.4 Ford Modular Engine.
Fits ALL 4.6, 5.4 and 5.8 DOHC applications.
Select Complete tensioner in options below (as shown), or DIY kit that requires your original tensioner parts and assembly.